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Posted by / Tuesday, November 08, 2016 / No comments /

Samsung Confused About What To Do With 4.3 Million Dumped Note 7 Smartphones

Samsung  Confused About What To Do With 4.3 Million Dumped Note 7 Smartphones Samsung Confused About What To Do With 4.3 Million Dumped Note 7 Smartphones

It was a good time for headlines when the euphoria of Samsung’s case of exploding Galaxy Note7 phone was at an all-time high. Now the spot...

Isis urges American Muslims not to vote in USA presidential election

Isis urges American Muslims not to vote in USA presidential election Isis urges American Muslims not to vote in USA presidential election

The barbaric regime issued a seven-page pamphlet just before Americans took to the polls, urging them to refrain from exercising their de...

USA general election hits front page

USA general election hits front page USA general election hits front page

Usa citizens are set to go to the polls today to elect there president

Posted by / Wednesday, September 14, 2016 / No comments /

Uncommon Vegetable That Helps Improves One's Health

Uncommon Vegetable That Helps Improves One's Health Uncommon Vegetable That Helps Improves One's Health

Are you looking for a new vegetable to enjoy, I recommend you try butternut squash. A member of the pumpkin family, it’s known for its cre...

Posted by / Tuesday, September 13, 2016 / No comments /

Five Inmates And Two Guards Hospitalized Has Dozens Of Inmates Flee Prison In France

Five Inmates And Two Guards Hospitalized Has Dozens Of Inmates Flee Prison In France Five Inmates And Two Guards Hospitalized Has Dozens Of Inmates Flee Prison In France

Dozens of inmates at a prison in central France flee from their cells when unrest broke out at 5: 00pm local time (1500GMT). The riot whi...

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