Posted by / Tuesday, November 08, 2016 / No comments /

Samsung Confused About What To Do With 4.3 Million Dumped Note 7 Smartphones

It was a good time for headlines when the euphoria of Samsung’s case of
exploding Galaxy Note7 phone was at an all-time high. Now the spotlight
is certainly fading away from the smartphone giant after their total recall of
the model, but it seems as though another crisis has overtaken the
Samsung is now facing a headache created by disposing off over 4.3
million “garbage” Note 7 phones which have become an environmental
According to Greenpeace, an environmental group, Samsung’s failure to
safely dispose off the batteries have the potential to pose grave
environmental problems. This includes the release of toxic chemicals into
the air upon burning the batteries, as well as the metal poisoning by the
likes of tungsten, cobalt, silver and gold.

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