Posted by / Monday, September 12, 2016 / No comments /


Fuel rises again

The price of fuel has increased in recent times in most countries of the world due to a drop in Brent crude price, the main international benchmark which traded at around $47 a barrel on Monday. The fuel hike which was seen at the beginning of last week, which was the first reduction in the month of September, hit Portugal as there has been recent panic and queue within the major cities and many commuters shared their view that the situation is really pathetic and hope the oil price stabilizes soon.

The fuel hike which hit Portugal recently has made it uncomfortable for commuters to go around with their daily activities unhindered due to unplanned expenses, with the cost per litre of fuel rising by around a cent. The cost of diesel is not expected to undergo any changes a commuter said.

The current average cost of unleaded fuel is sold around 1 euro and 42 cents a litre, while diesel is sold for just less than 1 euro and 19 cents a litre.

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